E-mail: [email protected]
2019.08-2022.10澳大利亚迪肯大学 工学博士
2022.11-至今 武汉纺织大学 专任教师
[1]Lyu P., Xia, L. J*., Liu, X., Hurren, C*., Xu, W. L., & Wang, X. G. Self-cleaning superhydrophobic aerogels from waste hemp noil for ultrafast oil absorption and highly efficient PM removal. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 306, 122503.
[2]Liu, Y., Lyu, P*., Hu, J., Tang, W. Y., Huang, Y., Wang, B. S., Xu, W. L., Liu, X*., & Zhang, R. F*. Highly sensitive and color adaptable polyurethane-based strain sensors with embedded silver nanowires. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2023, 2300005.
[3]Lyu, P., Xia, L. J*., Liu, X., Xu, W. L., Hurren, C* & Wang, X. G. Reusing ethanol-water and recovering residual gum in hemp degumming. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 185, 115114.
[4]Lyu, P., Xia, L. J*., Jiang, X., Liu, X., Xu, W. L., Hurren, C* & Wang, X. G. Efficient extraction of technical fibers from hemp in an ethanol-water mixture. Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 178, 114620.
[5]Lyu, P., Zhang, Y., Wang, X. G., & Hurren, C*. Degumming methods for bast fibers - a mini review. Industrial Crops and Products, 2021, 174, 114158.
[6]Lyu, P., Li, G. Q., Zhao, Y. T., Chi, H., Wang, X. G., Hurren, C., Chen, D. Z*., Xu, W. L., & Liu, X*. A straightforward approach for high-level anti-counterfeiting and antibacterial applications based on photoluminescent fibers/yarns. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2021, 2100302.
[7]Lyu, P., Zhang, X. Y., Peng, M. Y., Shang, B*., & Liu, X*. Multibioinspired wettable patterned slippery surface for efficient water harvesting. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021, 202100691.
[8]Lyu, P#., Zhang, C. H#., Wang, Y., Li, C., Xiang, X., Zhou, J. P., Xu, W. L., & Liu, X*. A simple way of fabricating lyophilized wool nanoparticle powders using neutralization method. Advanced Powder Technology, 2019, 31(1).
[9]Lyu, P., Zhang, X. Y., Jiang, X., Shang, B*., Liu, X., & Deng, Z. W*. One-step preparation of hydrophobic surfaces containing hydrophilic groups for efficient water harvesting. Langmuir, 2021, 37, 9630−9636.